Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sacred 7 - Animedia

*Personal scan!

This scan is the cover to Animedia issue August 2011.
Why did I upload it?
To share of course. (please don't upload it anywhere else without my permission)

Anyways, I just recently got into this anime named 'Sacred seven' after having taken a liking to the cover of this animedia issue, which I bought during my SMASH weekend.

Though, when I look closely at it, the art work seems a little familiar, much like that to Code geass, which it is.

I did a little research on Sacred seven at it does pretty much prove its' self to be from the creators and anime artists/producers of Code Geass. But having watched the first episode, I get a feeling that the storyline might be a tad bit like code geass too. But not the music(?). The op and ed are sung by artists of the FictionJunction project, which Yuki Kadjiura (Has beautiful music and OST productions such as from Tsubasa, Madlax and Le petit Cosette). I can't wait for them to be released.

Well, I'll just have to watch, wait and see.

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